Board Specialists

Board Specialists

Utah PTA also utilizes board specialists. A board specialist is a non-voting member of the governing board of Utah PTA who works under the direction of the executive committee or the commissioners committee as determined in standing rules and assists Utah PTA primarily on a particular subject or activity; the specialist is highly skilled in a specific area of need for Utah.

Currently we have specialists for: AwardsArts Education Grant, Bylaws, Digital Citizenship, Diversity and Inclusivity, Male Engagement, Military Families, Family Engagement, Reflections, Resolutions, Special Needs, Technology and Trust Lands.

These non-voting specialists serve for a term of 1 year and applications are available each spring.  To see what the specialists do, see pages below. 

Digital Wellness
Helping families use screen time wisely and putting positive messages out online.
Diversity and Inclusivity
Utah PTA values the diversity in people in Utah and seeks to provide resources on becoming more inclusive.
Family Engagement
We should focus the efforts of our PTA’s on the most effective family engagement.
Male Engagement
Promoting the benefits of positive relationships between fathers and their children.
Military Families
The life of military families and their children have unique challenges.
Special Needs
Children with special needs, their parents and teachers all face a unique set of challenges.
Trust Lands
Utah PTA was at the forefront of the reform efforts, helping to ensure Trust Land assets survived.
Page Details
Family Engagement
Male Involvement
Diversity and Inclusivity
Internet Safety
Military Families
Special Needs Specialist