Proposed Utah PTA Bylaws Changes May 2024

Article VI: Local PTAs and PTSAs 

Current Language:

Section 14. A local PTA/PTSA may dissolve by following the procedure outlined in the Utah PTA Local Unit Dissolution Checklist. The Dissolution Checklist may be obtained through the Region Director or Utah PTA by submitting a letter of intent.

a. Letter of Intent. A written request, of at least 25 current PTA members, to dissolve a local PTA. It must be submitted to the current local President, Council President (if applicable), and Region Director. Upon receipt of the written request, Utah PTA will provide the Local Unit Dissolution Checklist to the local unit and the procedure must be followed. Upon receiving the written request, local unit PTA/PTSA officers meet to consider the request. If a majority of the officers vote that the request does not present justified grounds to dissolve, that vote terminates the dissolution procedure.

b. Dissolution Provisions. At the close of the dissolution process, Utah PTA representatives meet with the local officers to ensure compliance with the Local Unit Dissolution Checklist. Once the dissolution process is complete, Utah PTA will notify the Division of Consumer Protection that the local PTA/PTSA has been dissolved and may no longer solicit, promote, or sponsor a charitable solicitation in Utah according to the Utah Charitable Solicitation Act (13-22-5). Utah PTA will also notify the IRS and the local PTA/PTSA EIN and exempt status will be revoked.

New Language:

Section 14. Dissolution of a PTA unit is a serious step with potential IRS consequences. PTA is a membership-based organization and as such requires a 2/3 majority vote of the general membership to dissolve. Before beginning the dissolution process, a constituent unit must contact Utah PTA to request the Utah PTA Policy on Dissolution Procedures of Local PTA Units to ensure the proper steps are taken for dissolution. The Policy includes a Local Unit Dissolution Checklist that will be used by the local PTA and Utah PTA.

Utah PTA representatives will meet with the local officers to ensure compliance with the Local Unit Dissolution Checklist. Once the dissolution process is complete, Utah PTA will notify the Division of Consumer Protection that the local PTA/PTSA has been dissolved and may no longer solicit, promote, or sponsor a charitable solicitation in Utah according to the Utah Charitable Solicitation Act (13-22-5). Utah PTA will also notify the IRS and the local PTA/PTSA EIN and exempt status will be revoked.



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