Mrs. Julie Laub - Davis High

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Julie Laub not only is an expert at chemistry, she knows each student by name and even has a nick name for most of them. Who wouldn't want to go to class every day if you were greeted with a smile and in a cheery tone with, "Hi cute Kenzie!" Even if you don't like chemistry, you like going to Mrs. Laub's class because she genuinely cares about each student. We have had 2 of our children attend Davis High School and required both of them to take chemistry just so they could have Mrs. Laub as a teacher. Even when I run into Mrs. Laub at Costco, she asks about each of my kids and how they are doing in life. One of my children has had difficulties in school after sustaining a concussion and when Mrs. Laub asked me about her, I told her that it has been a struggle getting to graduation because her disabilities from the concussion have created other problems and managing all of her classes as well as her extra curricular activities has been very difficult. Do you know what she told me? "Tell Kenzie that I believe in her and to believe in herself! Will you please tell her that for me?" She genuinely meant it too. When I told Kenzie what Mrs. Laub said, she believed it because of the relationship they had in class 2 years prior. Mrs. Laub has made an impact for life on our family. You can't help but want to be a little more like Mrs. Laub and spread goodness wherever you go!