Mrs. Kjar - Longview

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Mrs. Kjar deserves to be Longview’s Hall of Fame! She has shown her commitment as a teacher with Murray School District since 2007, also working at Viewmont and Parkside. She genuinely cares for the kids in her class. She has been known to call parents and students to check in on them when she feels something is not right. Not only does she do this for her student’s, she goes out of her way to reach out to other teachers and staff members to let them know they are loved and thought about. These thoughtful actions go a long way!

This year she has learned of and dealt with a troubling medical diagnosis and treatment, while keeping a smile on her face and a positive attitude. She is doing so well, now! We are so grateful! Mrs. Kjar is an exceptional teacher, co-worker, and friend to all that know her. We are so lucky to have her at Longview Elementary, and she has positively changed her students for the better, in addition to the Longview staff. Her name says it all, she is very “Kjaring.” We LOVE Mrs. Kjar!