SJR014 | Proposal to Amend Utah Constitution - Education Funding

General Description: 

This joint resolution of the Legislature proposes to amend the Utah Constitution to enact language relating to funding of the public education system.

Bill Details
Senate/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 12, 2020
Democrat - District 8
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Provides addition funding to support the education of all students who attend public schools in Utah.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Utah PTA Resolution EDU 2010-2 - Resolved, That Utah PTA continue to urge the legislature to make public education revenue allocations and funding effort a high priority.  Resolved, That Utah PTA encourage the legislature to adequately fund critical educational needs, including but not limited to, class size reduction, teacher salaries, technology, textbooks and supplies.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

Utah PTA 2020 Legislative Priority #1. Support education legislation which maintains the constitutional guarantee that the Legislature shall provide for the establishment and maintenance of a public education system, which shall be open to all children of the state; and that all revenue from a tax on income shall be used to support the system of public education and higher education. 

Utah PTA 2020 Legislative Priority #2. Support education appropriations which fully fund enrollment growth and increase the WPU by 6%.