HB0385 | Social Media Usage Amendments

General Description: 

This bill enacts the Utah Digital Expression Act.

Highlighted Provisions: 

▸ Requires public disclosure of certain information by social media platforms;
▸ Requires social media platforms to establish a complaint process and procedures related to content removal and account restrictions;
▸ Prohibits viewpoint-based censorship on social media platforms, with certain exceptions;
▸ Authorizes the Division of Consumer Protection to investigate complaints and enforce provisions of the Utah Digital Expression Act;
▸ Allows a private right of action for violations.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 01, 2024
Republican - District 39
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This bill is holding Social Media Platforms accountable for their platform, with regards to prohibiting viewpoint based censorship, public disclosure of personal information, and establishing guidelines for complaints by individuals to these platform companies. Children are affected by what is happening on these platforms and need to be protected.

Internet Safety
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA and its constituent associations advocate for laws, policies, and technology development which protects children and youth from surveillance capitalism, persuasive technology, and algorithms which encourage addictive usage of social media.

Utah PTA and its constituent associations support lawmakers in their efforts to create laws which call for appropriate social media policies that protect children and provide parents the ability to know what their child is engaged in, who they are engaging with and how much time they are engaging online, in order to empower parents to make the best decisions for their children and families.

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

The education of families and communities on school safety protocols, children’s online security, and the assessment of digital threats posed to schools across Utah

National PTA and Utah PTA Position Statements: 

Protect children and youth and prevent them from accessing dangerous content, including establishing intentional and explicit processes for reporting predatory, discriminatory or dangerous behavior online and holding social media companies accountable for addressing any behavior or content that threatens their physical and mental health and safety;

National PTA Public Policy Agenda

Address threats to the safety and well-being of children that can happen online, such as cyberbullying, exploitation, criminal activity and violence.