PTA Bylaws

All PTAs are governed by the bylaws of the local PTA. The Administrative VP should be given a copy by the PTA leadership and be knowledgeable of the current bylaws.

The bylaws: Œ

  • Are approved by the general membership and can only be changed by the membership at a general meeting, after proper notice is given Œ
  • Outline the basic policies and practices of the Local PTA Œ
  • Define the number of meetings and meeting months for the local PTA Œ
  • Outline the election of the officers and their duties according to the bylaws. (The Administrative VP is a member of the executive committee and therefore also a member of the board of directors.) Œ
  • Specify the dues of the local PTA (as well as the portions to be forwarded to Utah and National PTA). Any dues increase for the local PTA requires a bylaws change Œ
  • Can only be amended by the general membership

Administrative VP’s Role with Bylaws: The Administrative VP is to keep a current copy of the approved bylaws in his/her PTA records and should be familiar with the bylaws. The bylaws require that the executive committee review the bylaws at the beginning of each school year, which assists members to adhere to them. Copies of bylaws can be downloaded by searching for your school at

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Administrator Representative