Council Treasurer Job Description

Council Bylaws Job Description

ARTICLE IX: Duties of Officers

Section 5. The Treasurer shall:

a. Have custody of and be responsible for all funds of this Council, counting all money with three (3) people present and depositing all money in the bank the same day received;

b. Collect and keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures of all moneys of this Council;

c. Develop, with the executive committee, an annual budget to be distributed to and approved by the voting body of this Council at the first Council meeting (prior to October 1) of the school year;

d. Make disbursements as authorized by the President, executive committee, or this Council, in accordance with the budget adopted by this Council;

e. Co-sign all checks with the President, President-elect, or Secretary (No two officers who are related by blood or marriage or reside in the same household may be signers on the checking account.);

f. Present a financial statement at each meeting of this Council and at other times when requested by the executive committee;

g. Make a financial report at the last Council meeting of the school year in {filled in by each council}____________________ (month), (same as in Article XI, Section 7), which shall be known as the annual meeting, and submit a full written financial report to the incoming executive committee no later than June 30;

h. Be responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records as conform to the requirements of Article IV, Section 8 of these Bylaws; and

i. Submit the books annually no later than June 30 and upon the change of officer for a reconciliation by an auditor or an Annual Financial Reconciliation (AFR) committee.

What is a Council?

A council is the key link in the line of communication between the local PTA and the region, Utah PTA, and National PTA. ΠA council is three or more local PTAs/PTSAs organized under the authority of Utah PTA which operates under bylaws approved by Utah PTA. The council board is composed of officers as stated in the council bylaws (Article VIII Section 3).

Duties and Responsibilities of a Council

  1. Strengthening local PTAs
  2. Developing leadership through training
  3. Promoting membership
  4. Cooperating with other organizations to achieve common goals within the PTA framework
  5. Distributing Utah PTA and region information
  6. Installing local PTA boards
  7. Coordinating the efforts of local PTA/PTSAs
  8. Being a link through which local PTAs can work on projects or programs beyond the scope of a single PTA
  9. Being a channel of communication between school administrators, school boards, and the general public
  10. Providing financial training and information

A Council Provides:

  1. An opportunity for local PTAs and their presidents to exchange ideas and plans, and to solve mutual problems through meetings and workshops
  2. Strength to unite planning efforts to solve community-wide problems affecting children and youth
  3. An opportunity for study groups to work on specific areas of interest
  4. Pre- and post-convention training (may be in conjunction with the region)

A Council Helps Each Local PTA To:

  1. Learn and use good PTA practices and apply National PTA and Utah PTA policies
  2. Increase its capacity for service to home, school, and community
  3. Compare methods of work and share problem-solving information and techniques with other PTAs
  4. Stay informed of legislation affecting children at all times
  5. Be financially sound
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