Grant Guidelines and Agreement

PTA programs promoting parent education, home and school cooperation, children’s well-being, community betterment, and funding for education must have first priority on PTA funds. However, when a PTA is asked to purchase or provide materials for the local school, it is necessary to follow certain guidelines so that the gift will be acceptable to both the PTA membership and the school district.

When making grants, a Financial Grant Agreement should be completed by the PTA and signed by the PTA President and Treasurer and the School Principal showing all parties acknowledge and agree to grant restrictions.   The agreement should specify the amount of money to be granted, the purpose for which it is to be used, the date by which it is to be spent, and statements that the school will provide an accounting of the funds to the PTA and that unused funds will be returned to the PTA.

Certain gifts, such as funding for field trips, enrichment programs, books, classroom supplies, or major equipment purchases, require prior approval from the PTA membership and school principal. Many school districts have policies and regulations on accepting gifts. Be sure to check with the school district before purchasing any materials or granting funds to the school.

PTA members must approve all expenditures of funds, including the amount of monies to be used for grants to the school, prior to the expenditure of those funds. This approval must come in the form of a motion and vote at a meeting of the membership and must be recorded in the association minutes of the meeting. Since PTA membership is new each year, funds cannot be committed from one year to the next unless funds were raised for a specific purpose and are therefore restricted. One example might be funds raised over three years for a major purchase. If restricted funds are not used for their designated purpose the funds must be returned to the donors or the donors must agree to a new purpose.

A grant to the school should benefit the largest number of students possible. 



Grant Agreement from is below.

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