A Guide to Meetings


Executive Committee Meetings
Board Meetings
General Membership Meetings



Council meetings
Region meetings - if your region has councils, this may be by invitation
School board meetings
Utah PTA Leadership Convention
Advocacy Conference
PTA Day at the Capitol


PTA Meetings Defined

General Membership Meetings (see Bylaws Article IX for months for meetings)
At least three general membership meetings must be held each year and a quorum must be present. All PTA members must be invited to attend. The budget is adopted at the first general membership meeting of the year. The Nominating Committee is elected at a general membership meeting before December 31. The Nominating Committee reports the slate of nominees and the election of officers is held at a general membership meeting in the spring. The last general membership meeting of the year is considered the annual meeting and also may have reports of officers, commissions, and committees, if desired. Minutes are taken and a financial report is given at each meeting. Some PTAs have a program such as a speaker or an activity after the business is completed or combine the general membership meeting with a scheduled school event such as Back to School Night or a concert.

Executive Committee Meetings
The executive committee members are the elected officers and are defined in the Bylaws in Article VI, Section 4a. The executive committee meets during times when the board is not meeting such as summer and between board meetings. The executive committee is responsible for (Article VIII) planning the dates of the general membership meetings, determining the order of the vice presidents at the first executive committee meeting, participating in budgeting with the treasurer, filling vacancies in offices besides president-elect, declaring an office or position vacant if someone misses three consecutive meetings without excuse, providing one executive committee member for the nominating committee, receiving the initial report of the nominating committee, appointing an auditor or AFR Committee, and receiving the report of the Annual Financial Report. Minutes are taken, a financial report is given, and business is conducted as needed.

Board Meetings
The board of directors consists of the executive committee and the commissioners. Regular (usually monthly) board meetings are held throughout the year. The president invites officers, commissioners, committees, and event and program chairs to report at each meeting. The president should look ahead at the calendar and invite event chairs to discuss their plans before their event or program and report to the board after. Members of this PTA are able to attend any board meeting if they desire. A financial report should be given and minutes should be taken.

Council Meetings (or region meetings if you don’t have councils)
A meeting of local PTA presidents to receive information from Utah PTA, receive training, and exchange ideas with other leaders. Representation from your PTA is important. If you cannot attend a council or region meeting, please send another officer to represent your local PTA. This is your connection with Utah PTA. Your president-elect and principal are also invited to attend.

Utah PTA Leadership Convention

  • Leadership Convention is held annually in May to train, inform, receive resources, and network. Classes are held for each board position. The vendor hall provides opportunities to network with suppliers, fundraising businesses, and community resources.
  • A Business and Resolutions Meeting is held where resolutions and bylaws amendments come forward to be voted on by the delegates. Local units may submit new resolutions to be approved by the general membership. Active resolutions can be found at utahpta.org/resolutions. Information on how to submit a resolution can be found in the legislative section of the President Handbook.

Advocacy Conference
A conference held in the fall to educate members about issues and legislative process—including a Business and Resolutions Meeting where resolutions and bylaws amendments come forward to be voted on by the delegates.

PTA Day at the Capitol

  • Usually in February while the legislature is in session. A day to advocate for bills that the Utah PTA has been following which will affect children and youth.
  • Lunch with the legislators. A time to have one-on-one conversations regarding legislative issues.
  • Youth (PTSA members) attend and have separate meetings and usually have a mock debate.
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