PTSA Scholarships

Many PTSAs ask if they can give away a scholarship to a student upon graduation from high school.  This should be allocated in your budget and approved by your general membership.  It should be given for college or trade school for a student to continue their education.  Scholarships must be paid directly to the institution of higher learning and cannot be paid directly to the student.  In the event that a student needs to defer their scholarship, the local PTA unit should deposit the scholarship into a my529 plan in the student's name.

There should be clear guidelines for the qualifications of the scholarship.  The local unit's scholarship policy should be written in the PTA's Standing Rules and voted upon by the board.  This should be advertised well in advance so that all students have the opportunity to apply.  

The scholarship MUST include:
* The student(s) MUST be a member of your PTSA
* The money MUST be given to the school they are to attend under their name to be used for tuition, books, supplies, housing, etc.

The scholarship COULD include components such as:
* Include an essay question about their experiences and memories of PTA through the years
* Include an essay about how their PTSA service has shaped their educational experience.

The scholarship MUST NOT include components such as:
* Number of years of service on a PTSA student board to determine an amount of scholarship received.
* Parental involvement in the PTSA as a stipulation for student application or award of scholarship.


If you have questions how to start the scholarship for your PTSA, contact the Utah PTA Treasurer for help.

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