
Minutes typically describe the events of the meeting and may include a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants and related responses. Decisions (votes) on these issues must be indicated in the minutes along with the outcome of the vote.

Minutes should be complete, concise, and accurate. Action must be recorded in the order it took place.

It is recommended that the PTA minutes include the following:

  1. Name of PTA
  2. Kind of meeting (executive, finance, special committee, general, etc.)
  3. Date, time, place of meeting
  4. Name of person conducting and those taking partŒ
  5. Attendance - The minutes should note who was present and if a quorum was present. Also note those board members who were excused and any non-PTA members who are present.
  6. Call to Order (time)
  7. Note who gave the Reverence/Thought and the Pledge of Allegiance.
  8. The agenda was presented and adopted.
  9. The minutes were presented and approved and list any corrections.
  10. The treasurer’s report: given by _____________________.
    1. An outline of the treasurer’s report and any action taken should be reported here.
    2. Treasurer Reports are not voted on.  After questions are taken they are filed for the AFR (Annual Financial Review)
  11. Reports from the members of the board including committee chairman
    1. List each position or committee, board member’s name, what was reported, and any decisions, actions, or motions that were taken.
  12. Additional reports: Other reports from the agenda that were presented at the meeting.
  13. New business and action items: List any new business or action items that will take place for the next meeting. Record motions and results.
  14. Calendar Events: Note any calendar events coming up before the next PTA board meeting and important information involving these events.
  15. Adjournment: Note the time the meeting adjourned.
  16. Approval of Minutes: At the next meeting the minutes will be read and approved.
    1. The approval of minutes should include.
      1. Minutes approved: (date)___________   (signature of secretary)_____________________________.

***The secretary should sign all minutes with name, title, and date and enter the minutes in the Secretary’s Book.

If a board member makes a motion, the minutes for it should include this information:

  • Highlight or underline any motion - this makes it easier to read in the minutes.
    • Include:
      • The name of who made the motion
      • What the motion said (motions start with "I move")
      • Note that the motion was seconded (you do not need to name the person, just that the motion was seconded)
      • If the motion passed or failed, noting any nays. 
      • Example: Abby Jackson made a motion that we hire the Clown Around Company for our field day activities this year. Motion seconded. Motion passed unanimously (or motion failed). 

What do I do with the minutes?

  • Distribute a copy of the minutes
  • Have board members read and approve all minutes
  • Keep a copy in a permanent record

Why do I keep the minutes?

  •  Possible IRS audit
  •  To document programs and procedures
  •  To document bylaws and budgets were followed

How long do I keep minutes?

  •  These are permanent historical records

Where do I store the minutes?

  •  Most PTAs have a place at the school for permanent historical records

See sample minutes and a minutes template attached below.

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